Compression socks are a specific specialized hosiery intended to help prevent the development of and aid in the prevention of further development of, venous conditions like thrombosis, edema and phlebitis. Essentially, compression socks are non-woven, flexible compression hosiery worn on the lower leg, specifically the lumbar leg. The purpose of this is to keep the leg "compressed" or in a more elongated position, facilitating blood flow and reducing the chances of varicose veins and spider veins forming. In doing so, compression socks also help to improve circulation and energy levels in the legs.
Many compression socks may include some elements of compression hosiery. These may include a nylon sock with spandex material at strategic places along the leg; these are called compression hosiery, or enhancers. Socks that do not have these components may be called compression stockings, or simply socks. Different types of stockings, which may be included in the category of compression socks include: sheer, cotton drawstring, seamless, polypropylene, ribbed, opaque, and many others. Some of these materials are usually included in all types of compression socks, while others are exclusive to certain types of socks, like seamless socks which may only be found in ribbons, sheer in nature, or mixed with other fabrics such as cotton. View here to discover more about the importance of compression socks to your health.
As well as helping to reduce the development of venous conditions by improving circulation and energy levels, compression socks can also benefit individuals suffering from a common health problem that plagues many people: varicose veins. Varicose veins occur when blood flow is improved in the veins carrying oxygenated blood to the legs; unfortunately, they often form due to poor circulation and/or too much pressure on the legs during long periods of standing or sitting. This leads to the swelling of the veins and their eventual break-up into tiny blood clots that drain themselves into the legs when there is some kind of activity. Compression socks, worn on the legs whenever sitting or standing for long periods of time will help relieve this swelling and enable the legs to benefit from a better circulation of blood.
Compression socks are an excellent method of increasing blood flow to the legs when doing normal activities. They are especially good if you have varicose veins or spider veins. These conditions cause the veins to increase the diameter of the blood vessel, which causes them to be forced to break-up and flow with less force into the circulatory system. This reduces the pressure exerted on the legs and improves circulation. Wearing compression socks while working to shed excess weight may also lead to quicker weight loss as the pressure on the legs is reduced. Those suffering from spider veins should consult a vein specialist before wearing compression socks, as the socks may aggravate the condition.
Compression hosiery is an excellent means of improving the movement of the ankle joints. The natural movement of the ankle joint should be supported with the use of compression hosiery, especially during exercising. The excessive strain placed on the ligaments and muscles of the ankle joint causes pain and sometimes also swelling. Wearing compression hosiery can alleviate this swelling and pain by stretching the ligaments and muscles of the ankle joints. This helps reduce any pain caused by the condition, which in turn encourages improved movement. Here is more detailed information about how to get the right compression socks for women.
Compression socks may even act as a part of the treatment for lymphedema of the legs (also known as lymphedema). This requires the application of specially designed compression socks to the legs of the affected person. As the name suggests, these socks compress the lymph fluid present in the legs and prevents the accumulation of fluid in the legs, which is often the case with lymphedema of the arms. The compression socks may also help to alleviate the symptoms of lymphedema of the hands and feet. Check out this related post to get more enlightened on the topic: